Tuesday, November 10, 2009

School Mural

A group of 12 year 5 and 6 pupils, have been working on a mural of Te Rau o te Rangi with tuition from Jacqui van den Berg who is a local artist. Jaime, Jordan and Bridie from Room 11 have been part of this group. These girls were selected to be part of this project due to their artistic talent, their ability to work cooperatively with others, and their great work ethic. The mural is near completion with some words to be added in and the finishing protective coats to be added. We are looking at having the mural erected in week 8 of this term and will have an unveiling and blessing ceremony during this week. The mural is stunning, and it will be going on the end of room 12.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Calculating Voulme

Math Cityscape Calculating Volume

Maths Cityscapes

The maths class have been studying volume and capacity. We made cityscapes using different materials, blocks, lego, boxes or paper. Various structures were made and the volumes of the structures calculated using the correct formula. Some structures proved more difficult to calculate such as cylinder shapes or triangular shapes. The math dictionary for kids online was used to calculate the cylinder shape. It was a fun way of using measurement skills and learning how to calculate volume of a solid shape.

Maths Cityscapes

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Notices for Week 5

School Photos - a notice came home last week. Please return with money to the red box by the office. Photos are on 24th August.

Christmas Boxes - our school is doing Christmas boxes for those in need. Your child is working in a small group to make a Christmas box which will contain goodies for a child. Your child will let you know what their contribution to the box will be.

Talent Showcase presentations - to date we have had some amazing presentations. We have had singing, guitar playing, drawing, origami, paper models,gymnastics, mountain biking,and cooking to name some of them. Everyone has been really well prepared and interesting to listen to. Don't forget to get organised if you haven't had your turn yet.

Well done to all who have handed in their homework on the due date. Everyone is enjoying the new homework format.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Earthquake Houses

We made earthquake houses for homework. We needed to make a structure that wouldn't fall down in a simulated earthquake. We needed to work out a method to make our structure or house shake. Some of us used a roller mechanism by using marbles, straws or other objects that roll. Some of us used rubber bands that made the house move when touched. One person used a marble that swings when the base was touched and made the house shake. A really different one was done on a hot water bottle. This was interesting as some buildings are being built on a rubber foundation to allow movement. There were lots of clever creations made. We explained how our house moved and demonstrated this to the class.

Earthquake Houses

Monday, June 29, 2009

Making a Positive Difference

Making a Positive Difference

Wow! The 'helping' that Room 11 have done in their families and in the wider community has been fantastic!!!! Many people have been very grateful for the help they have received from you and many of you have said how good it made you feel. Thanks to all parents who have helped make this activity successful.
Mrs McD

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Talent Showcase

Next term, your oral language topic is a little different and exciting! You get to choose a talent of yours to showcase. All the details are under term 3 oral language on the right hand side of the blog. You can start getting prepared during the holidays as this one is fun. I will give you your dates for your presentation in your communication books.
Mrs McD

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Geometry in Room 11

We have been learning about the features of three dimensional shapes this week. We have made 3D models using straws and blu tack. We have made dodecahedrons from cardboard. We have made shapes and structures on the computer using spin and extrude functions. It has been lots of fun. We should all know how to identify the edges, faces and vertices of a 3D shape after doing all these activities.

Geometry in Room 11

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mini Gala

A notice came home today about the mini gala to raise money for charity as a school based culminating activity for our topic on helping others. However the wrong day and date was on the notice. It is to be on Wednesday 1st July. A copy of the notice is on the right hand side of the blog under Mini Gala.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wheels Day Friday 5th June

On Friday we had wheels day to raise money for Raetihi school each kid had to bring a gold coin donation. You could choose to bring scooters, skateboards, bikes or roller-blades/skates. A lady from the newspaper came and took photos of us so look in the observer to see if your in it. We had a great time and hopfuly we can do it again.

By Emma and Jordan

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Advertising Videos

On Thursday we made up 30 second advertisements in groups of 3 or 4 to sell a product of our choice. We had to plan the advertisement to meet the success criteria. Most groups enjoyed the acting and videoing of the ads. One group was successful in achieving an ad that was clear to hear and was to the point in advertising a product - the rest were more like skits with a humour component. Joseph, Jack L, and Deon had the best ad for the first attempt. Well done boys.
Mrs McDonald

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Creative Writer for Advertising

Today Ryan came to talk to the Kahikatea Syndicate about his job as a creative writer for t.v. advertising. He discussed the purpose of t.v. advertising and the ways advertisers try to get the message across to consumers. He showed us the successful advertisement he made for Kent County Council to get the message across not to drink and drive. You can see the advertisement on www.kentroadsafety.info
He showed us the process of how the ad was made - first with the storyboard with images for each shot, the mimes of the actor and then the filming and editing. He discussed why the ad was silent. In the Kent area five people usually die over the Christmas period from drinking and driving. After the successful ad campaign four less people died over the holiday period.

Visit to School by Creative Writer for Advertising

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Room 11 Book Award Stars!

New Zealand Post Book Awards

On Tuesday Grace,Hayley,Jaime and Rhiannon from Room 11 were in the Mastermind heats for the NZ Post Book Awards. They got 30 out of 75 and the highest score was 52. Of the Tuesday heats they came second and got third out of Kapiti,Te Horo and Otaki.
They had to read as many books out of the finalist books as they could, and be prepared to answer questions. The hardest questions were the ones that didn't say what book they were from, for example Riley Mitchel was bullied by what big kid? The easiest questions were from the most interesting books because you could remember what it was about. The books most recommended are Legs on Everest, Enemy at the Gate and Payback. Books least recommended, Juicy Writing and Old Drumble.

Puppetry of the Foot

We were making foot puppets for a class play. We made villians, heroes and my friend made toe puppets. There had to be a story line that had to have a villian, a boat and a song. It was alot of fun! We had 5 minutes to do the scripts and 10 minutes to make our foot puppets. After the time is up we sit behind chairs and do our play. It was easy to make our foot puppets but moving was the hard bit! We were stepping on our puppets but I hopped.
By Jack Coulston

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Homework Term 2 Week 4 Due 25th May

For this weeks homework you don't have the usual homework sheet. You don't have to do spelling or reading but of course you are encouraged to read heaps at home! Instead you are asked to watch t.v. ads this week. All the details of what you have to look for are written on the sheet you will find on the homework link on the right hand side of the blog. Remember to choose one ad and view it as many times as you can to get the necessary information. You can ask a parent or other family members to help you and give their opinions. Happy watching.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What's the time

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fun Afternoon

Fun Afternoon

Twice each term we have a fun afternoon for those who have earned 1000 pingers or more through completing work to a set standard and for helpful and cooperative behaviour. On Thursday afternoon, we had two groups choose indoor games and developmental type activities, Easter cards or crafts, dough, computer games and best of all the Chocolate Game! Others chose to do outdoor games and got to play prison ball for half of the time and flag attack for the rest of the time. Those who didn't have enough pingers did a PMI - plus, minus, interesting with one teacher and well I guess, didn't have as much fun as the others.

Get That Heart Pumping!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Maths exercise

Today for Maths the hexagons group did an activity about heart beats. We had to find out our maximum heart rate by taking our age away from 220. We then found our resting heart rate. It took some of us a while to even find our pulse. Joshua thought he must be dead, but Konor was fantastic at quickly finding his pulse and others. We thought of exercises that would quickly get our heart rate up to 75% of our maximum heart rate. We calculated what 75% of our maximum rate would be and then tried different exercises like step ups, skier jumps and skipping on the spot. Most of the group got close to reaching their target heart rate. We realised a minute was a long time when pushing yourself with these exercises.

Maths Exercise