Saturday, June 7, 2014

How Big is Our Classroom?

Pacing out to measure distance across the classroom.

We discovered that Liam was a great measuring tool.  He was exactly 1.50m

Making rolled newspaper measuring devices for How big is 1.5 metres?

Measuring the perimeter of the room.

Measuring the height of the room.

Reflection:  How big is 1.5 metres?  We connected our prior knowledge of how big one metre is from doing the Cross Country course.  We estimated how big 1.5 metres would be and made rolled up poles to measure exactly 1.5 metres.  We discovered that Liam was exactly 1.5m.  
How Big is our Classroom?  We discovered that 'How big?' has different meanings - it could mean the perimeter, the area or the volume of the room.  Most people measured the area or perimeter as finding the height of the room was harder to measure.

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