Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Creative Thinking

We are focussing on thinking divergently with creative starters. This week we looked at thinking of as many unusual uses as we could for golden syrup. However we really wanted our group to get an original idea. To be original it can't be connected to anyone else's idea in any way. If we get a similar idea to another group we can get more points by having a more elaborate explanation or more detail than them. The main concepts people had for uses were connected to BEAUTY FOOD GLUE MIXING INGREDIENTS SMELL KILLING CATCHING SMOTHERING JEWELLERY TO DRY AND MAKE THINGS.
The most original ideas were - for putting out fires and to make stained glass windows.
Each group has 5 minutes to think of their ideas and to think and work cooperatively.

Unusual uses for Golden Syrup

Whose idea is it anyway!

Creative Thinking - thinking of original ideas

Creative Thinking

Thursday, March 10, 2011



Kahikatea syndicate had basketball skills and mini games today. Alex McDonald who goes to Kapiti College had a work day and decided to share his basketball skills at Kenakena School. He took each class in the syndicate for dribbling, passing and lay up skills and briefly explained the rules. The kids enjoyed playing the game and everyone gave it a go. Have a look at the mini videos below.

Basketball skills


Football skills

Logan, Bradley, Dante and Flynn taught football skills to their classmates today. They decided to take this activity by themselves after we talked about how we all have talents and skills and how students can teach other students skills. The boys did very well setting up the skills activities and refereeing a game. We will do a PMI (Plus Minus Improve) on the activity and make any improvements before the next lesson.

Football Skills

Teaching Football Skills

Football Skills

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Manners - showing respect

What not to do! Manners

Manners Role Play - helping an old lady

Red and Black Day for Christchurch Fundraiser

Talent showcases

Part of the children's homework this term has been to prepare for a talent showcase. We have had a variety of talents showcased. There have been a couple of cooking shows done by Camryn and Kate and another by Caitlin and Mikayla and one by Alyssa. The shows have been videoed at home and the baking was brought along to school for the class to sample. Ethan and Laura played guitar and short excerpts of their presentations are below. Andrew and Kaleb did a rap with speed and precision which had us in awe as to their skill and their ability to memorise it so well. Hannah was inspiring with a powerpoint about her athletics achievements and she had memorised her speech and it was delivered perfectly. Jay did a powerpoint on his bmx riding and had great photos of himself in action. Logan and Bradley gave us a display of their football skills and added some humour such as when Logan missed a shot at goal and calmly stated it was called an over shot. Lily blew us all away with her presentation of her singing talent which was told through her creative writing talent with recordings of her singing at the age of two and then now with a song she composed about Christmas and sang beautifully. We have more to come!

Ethan's talent showcase

Laura's talent showcase

Camryn and Kate's Showcase

Thursday, March 3, 2011

El Rancho Camp Meeting

Kahikatea Camp Information Evening
A reminder that this meeting is being held on Tuesday March 8th at 7pm
Please RSVP to your child’s teacher by Monday by email jmcdonald@kenakena.school.nz
or via your child’s communication book.