Monday, June 29, 2009

Making a Positive Difference

Making a Positive Difference

Wow! The 'helping' that Room 11 have done in their families and in the wider community has been fantastic!!!! Many people have been very grateful for the help they have received from you and many of you have said how good it made you feel. Thanks to all parents who have helped make this activity successful.
Mrs McD

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Talent Showcase

Next term, your oral language topic is a little different and exciting! You get to choose a talent of yours to showcase. All the details are under term 3 oral language on the right hand side of the blog. You can start getting prepared during the holidays as this one is fun. I will give you your dates for your presentation in your communication books.
Mrs McD

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Geometry in Room 11

We have been learning about the features of three dimensional shapes this week. We have made 3D models using straws and blu tack. We have made dodecahedrons from cardboard. We have made shapes and structures on the computer using spin and extrude functions. It has been lots of fun. We should all know how to identify the edges, faces and vertices of a 3D shape after doing all these activities.

Geometry in Room 11

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mini Gala

A notice came home today about the mini gala to raise money for charity as a school based culminating activity for our topic on helping others. However the wrong day and date was on the notice. It is to be on Wednesday 1st July. A copy of the notice is on the right hand side of the blog under Mini Gala.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wheels Day Friday 5th June

On Friday we had wheels day to raise money for Raetihi school each kid had to bring a gold coin donation. You could choose to bring scooters, skateboards, bikes or roller-blades/skates. A lady from the newspaper came and took photos of us so look in the observer to see if your in it. We had a great time and hopfuly we can do it again.

By Emma and Jordan

Tuesday, June 2, 2009